Speciaal Onderwijs & Handicap Afkortingen {Tip 23 van 31}

Kennis is macht

A – Acroniemen

AAC = Alternative Augmentative Communication

ABA = Applied Behavioral Analysis

ADA = Americans with Disabilities Act

ADD/ADHD =Attention Deficit/Attention-

ADLs = Activities of Daily Living

APE = Adaptive Physical Education

ASD = Autisme Spectrum Stoornissen

APE = Adaptieve Lichamelijke Opvoeding

ASD = Autisme Spectrum Stoornissen


ASL | American Sign Language

AT | Assistive Technology

AYP | Adequate Yearly Progress

B – Acroniemen

BD | Behavioral Disorder

BIP | Behavioral Intervention Plan

BOE | Board of Education

C – Acronyms

CBA | Curriculum Based Assessment

CCSS | Common Core State Standards

CDA | Child Development Associate


CD | Cognitieve achterstand

CF | Cystic Fibrosis

COTA | Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant

CP | Cerebral Palsy

CST | Child Study Team

D- Acroniemen

DB | Doof-Blind

DD | Developmental Delay

DOE | Department of Education

DoH | Department of Health

DPH | Due Process Hearing Officer

DS | Down Syndrome

DSM | Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders by the American Psychiatric Association

E- Acroniemen

ECE | Early Childhood Education

EBD | Emotional Disturbance

EHDI | Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program

EI | Early Intervention

ESD | Extended School Day

ESEA | Elementary and Secondary Education Act

ESL | English as a Second Language

ESY or EYS | Extended School Year or Extended Year Services

F – Acroniemen

. Acroniemen

FAPE | Free Appropriate Public Education

FAS | Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

FBA | Functional Behavioral Assessment

FERPA | Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

FM | Focused Monitoring

G and H – Acronyms

GE | General Education

GT | Gifted and Talented

HI | Hearing Impaired

HQT | Highly Qualified Teacher

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