H. G. Wells

  • Agli elettori dell’Università di Londra, elezioni generali universitarie, 1923, da H.G. Wells, B.Sc, Londra (1923)
  • L’ideale laburista dell’educazione (1923)
  • Una passeggiata lungo il Tamigi (1923)
  • La storia di un grande maestro di scuola (1924)
  • Il sogno: A Novel (1924)
  • The P.R. Parliament (1924)
  • A Year of Prophesying (1924)
  • Christina Alberta’s Father (1925)
  • A Forecast of the World’s Affairs (1925)
  • The World of William Clissold: A Novel at a New Angle, I, II, III (1926)
  • Mr. Belloc Objects to the ‘Outline of History’ (1926)
  • Democracy Under Revision (1927)
  • Playing at Peace (1927)
  • Meanwhile: The Picture of a Lady (1927)
  • The Stolen Body (1927)
  • The Short Stories of H. G. Wells (1927) (in seguito ribattezzato The Complete Short Stories of H. G. Wells e successivamente aggiornato nel 1998) – include A Vision of Judgment
  • The Way the World is Going: Guesses & Forecasts of the Years Ahead (1928)
  • The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution (1928, 1930 , 1933 ), pubblicato anche con il titolo What are We to do With our Lives? )
  • Mr. Blettsworthy on Rampole Island: Being the Story of a Gentleman of Culture and Refinement who suffered Shipwreck and saw no Human Beings other than Cruel and Savage Cannibals for several years. Come vide i Megaterra vivi e fece alcune note sulle loro abitudini. Come divenne un pazzo sacro. Come alla fine fuggì in modo strano dall’orrore e dalle barbarie dell’isola di Rampole in tempo per combattere nella Grande Guerra, e come in seguito fu vicino a ritornare in quell’isola per sempre. Con molte cose divertenti ed edificanti riguardanti le maniere, i costumi, le credenze, la guerra, il crimine e una tempesta in mare. Concludendo con alcune riflessioni sulla vita in generale e su questi tempi attuali in particolare (1928)
  • Il libro di Catherine Wells (1928) (a cura di Wells)
  • Il re che era un re: The Book of a Film (sottotitolo USA An Unconventional Novel) (1929)
  • Common Sense of World Peace (1929)
  • The Adventures of Tommy (1929)
  • Imperialism and The Open Conspiracy (1929)
  • The Autocracy of Mr. Parham: His Remarkable Adventures in this Changing World (1930)
  • The Science of Life: A Summary of Contemporary Knowledge about Life and its Possibilities, I, II, III (con Julian S. Huxley e G. P. Wells) (1930) (successivamente ripubblicato in nove volumi, 1934-1937, con il titolo generale The ‘Science of Life’ Series)
  • The Way to World Peace (1930)
  • The Problem of the Troublesome Collaborator: An Account of Certain Difficulties in an Attempt to Produce a Work in Collaboration and of the Intervention of the Society of Authors Therein (1930)
  • Settlement of the Trouble between Mr. Thring and Mr. Wells: A Footnote to the Problem of the Troublesome Collaborator (1930)
  • What Are We To Do With Our Lives? (revisione di The Open Conspiracy) (1931)
  • The Work, Wealth and Happiness of Mankind (USA 1931; prima edizione inglese, 1932)
  • After Democracy: Addresses and Papers on the Present World Situation (1932)
  • The Bulpington of Blup: Adventures, Poses, Stresses, Conflicts, and Disaster in a Contemporary Brain (1932)
  • What Should be Done Now? (1932)
  • The Shape of Things to Come: The Ultimate Revolution (1933)
  • Experiment in Autobiography: Discoveries and Conclusions of a Very Ordinary Brain (since 1866), I, II (1934) (un terzo volume, intitolato H. G. Wells in Love è stato pubblicato postumo nel 1984)
  • Stalin-Wells Talk: The Verbatim Record and a Discussion (con Josef Stalin, George Bernard Shaw, J. M. Keynes, Ernst Toller e Dora Russell (1934)
  • The New America: Il nuovo mondo (1935)
  • Le cose a venire: una storia da film (1935)
  • L’anatomia della frustrazione: A Modern Synthesis (1936)
  • The Croquet Player (1936)
  • The Idea of a World Encyclopaedia (1936)
  • The Man Who Could Work Miracles: A Film (1936)
  • Star Begotten: A Biological Fantasia (titolo USA, Star-Begotten) (1937)
  • Brynhild, or the Show of Things (1937)
  • The Camford Visitation (1937)
  • The Informative Content of Education (1937)
  • The Brothers: A Story (1938)
  • World Brain (1938)
  • Apropos of Dolores (1938)
  • The Holy Terror (1939)
  • Travels of a Republican Radical in Search of Hot Water (1939)
  • The Fate of Homo Sapiens: An unemotional Statement of the Things that are happening to him now, and of the immediate Possibilities confronting him (US title: The Fate of Man) (1939)
  • The New World Order: Se è raggiungibile, come può essere raggiunto, e che tipo di mondo dovrà essere un mondo in pace (1939)
  • The Rights of Man, Or What Are We Fighting For? (1940)
  • Babes in the Darkling Wood (1940)
  • The Common Sense of War and Peace: World Revolution of War Unending (1940)
  • All Aboard for Ararat (1940)
  • Guide to the New World: A Handbook of Constructive World Revolution (1941)
  • You Can’t Be Too Careful (1941)
  • The Outlook for Homo Sapiens: An unemotional Statement of the Things that are happening to him now, and of the immediate Possibilities confrontinmg him (1942) (questo è un amalgama di The Fate of Homo Sapiens e The New World Order)
  • Science and the World-Mind (1942)
  • Phoenix: A Summary of the Inescapable Conditions of World Reorganization (1942)
  • A Thesis on the Quality of Illusion in the Continuity of Individual Life of the Higher Metazoa, with Particular Reference to the Species Homo Sapiens (1942)
  • The Conquest of Time (1942)
  • The New Rights of Man: Text of Letter to Wells from Soviet Writer, Who Pictures the Ordeal and Rescue of Humanistic Civilization – H. G. Wells’ Reply and Program for Liberated Humanity (with Lev Uspensky) (1942)
  • Crux Ansata: An Indictment of the Roman Catholic Church (1943)
  • The Mosley Outrage (1943)
  • The Rights of Man: An Essay in Collective Definition (edito anonimo da Wells) (1943)
  • ’42 to ’44: A Contemporary Memoir upon Human Behaviour during the Crisis of the World Revolution (1944)
  • The Illusion of Personality (1944)
  • The Happy Turning: A Dream of Life (1945)
  • Mind at the End of Its Tether (1945)
  • The Desert Daisy (pubblicazione postuma di un’opera scritta nel 1878-1880 ca. 1898-1905, che Wells ha rivisto e pubblicato come Kipps, a cura di Harris Wilson) (1969)
  • H. G. Wells in Love (terzo volume postumo della sua autobiografia, a cura di G. P. Wells) (1984)
  • The Betterave Papers and Aesop’s Quinine for Delphi, a cura di John Hammond (2001)
  • Note

    Tutti i link recuperati il 22 luglio 2017.


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